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From the place where We are Right, flowers will Never Grow

​2018 - On going




 The 10-meter-high concrete wall rises for 700 kilometers as a symbol of the division between the Israeli and Palestinian communities and continues to be extended to this day. Much of the coverage of the site is dominated by sensational scenes of destruction caused by terrorism and fighting, and by topics of national and regional political conflict, while there are actually few opportunities for us to learn about what people are thinking and living every day in the midst of a long-term international problem. The Israeli and Palestinian people there are also faceless, hostile, and fearful of each other, and because they are physically divided by the existence of the wall, they also have no opportunity to interact with the people behind the wall.


 So I decided to actually visit the site and, from the perspective of a foreigner from faraway Japan, travel back and forth between this side and that side of the wall, meeting and photographing people on both sides of the conflict, and asking each to write a "letter to the people living on the other side of the wall". Since Hebrew is the official language of Israelis and Arabic is the language of Palestinians, these letters, written in two different languages, are ultimately "letters that don't get across" that representing the division that has surrounded them for over 70 years, as well as the lives and nationalism of ordinary people living in the midst of international problems And these letters reveal their different forms of justice as well as their common thirst for peace.

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